TNT - Spiritual Dynamite

What are you doing? What are you going after?


Where is your heart and what does your heart treasure?


In Matthew 6:19 Jesus said, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


Where's your treasure? What do you treasure in this life?  What’s special to you and what means a lot to you? What do you spend time thinking about? Where your treasure is, that's where your heart's going to be and, also … your heart follows your treasure.


There are times that our heart can be following the right thing, but we get off course or bogged down simply because of the cares of this world. In Matthew 6:25 (KJV) Jesus said take no thought about the cares of this world. Other versions of the Bible say don’t be anxious. Don’t get all uptight about things and do not worry.


In Matthew 6:26, Jesus said look at the birds. They don't get out and dig and plant and sow and reap. They don’t worry about what they’re going to eat. When they need something, the Lord provides for them.

Jesus said look at the flowers of the fields. There are beautiful flowers, fantastic flowers, wonderfully and marvelously made. Jesus said that Solomon in all his man-made glory, all his kingdom wealth and glory, didn't even compare to that flower. You and I are created in God's image and He cares so much more about us than even that flower. That’s amazing to me!



A lot of people get so anxious about everything today. What are we going to do? How are we going to pay the bills? Or somebody's got sickness in the family, oh no, what are we going to do?

Jesus said don’t be anxious about these things. In verse 25, Jesus said take no thought about what you will eat, or drink, or what you will wear. The King James Version says take no thought. That’s our spiritual dynamite for today, our TNT, Take No Thought. In verses 27, 28, and in 31, 34, the Bible says take no thought. So there's your TNT, your DY-NO-MITE!…Take No Thought, don't worry about all that stuff.



Take no thought about what you’re going to wear. Some people think, how cool am I going to look; I’ve gotta roll up my jeans, roll down my jeans, put a slit in my jeans, rip ‘em, tear ‘em. Don’t worry about that stuff! Take no thought.


Even the Apostle Paul said you take every thought captive and make that thing subject to the authority of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. He is Lord! So many people say, ‘yeah. I’m saved, I go to church, so He’s my Savior.’


We must say, Be my Lord, not just my Savior. Jesus must be our Lord and Master over everything we have, over every thought we have, over our desires, over our emotions, and over all the conscious decisions we make.


Follow after Jesus. Let your heart follow after Him. Listen to His Word obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Word of God and He said in John 6:63, the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life. So partake of that Word daily.


When we end one year and transition into another, some people just flip the page. Just flip a calendar page and keep on going. But for us it’s the time to take an inventory let's do a little year-end inventory; let's see what's worked, let's see what the Lord has done. Let’s take the good and chunk the bad. If there's anything that's not good or something negative happened in our life, know that God will take of it. He'll work it for our good. Roman’s 8:28


Let’s go into the New Year with our heart following the heart of God.


Jesus, You are my treasure. Hallelujah!

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